Why Won’t My Corgi Eat? 7 Key Reasons to Check Today

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Corgis love to eat! So it can be upsetting when your best little creature suddenly stops having the urge to chow down on their favourite food.

Dogs that don’t get the right nutrients from their food, or simply don’t get enough food, can have development issues when they are young, and health issues as they age.

Usually, the warning signs are clear. Exposed ribs, a gaunt body, weak muscles: these are all things to look out for as evidence that your corgi is undereating.

But how do you know the reason that they are not eating? Thankfully, there are a few ways that you can diagnose the problem.

​This quick guide will help you discover WHY you corgi is not interested in eating, and HOW to get your corgi eating again.

1. Your corgi may be stressed or anxious

We hate to see our poor little pups all stressed. But stress or anxiety can be a real problem to look out for, particularly if you’ve recently undergone some big changes.

Changes in your life could include:

  • You’ve just brough your corgi puppy home
  • You’ve just moved house
  • You’ve gotten another pet
  • You’ve neighbours have another pet
  • There are new noises, sights, or smells in the area
  • You are feeling more stressed or anxious yourself

If none of these seem to be the case, watch for your corgi’s behaviour throughout the day (not just at feeding time).

If they are more timid or frightened than usual, you may need to check in with a vet to see if stress is a factor.

2. Your corgi may hate the taste or texture of their food

Who would have thought that the food itself could be a problem!

If you’ve recently switched, or your corgi has never liked their food, this can be an issue to look out for.

When switching dog foods, pay attention if the food is:

  • A different flavour
  • A different colour
  • A different texture
  • A different shape
  • A different size
  • Has different ingredients, nutrients or water content

One important note, if you’ve made the change in dog food for storage or cost reasons: bulk cheap brands can be less palatable for your corgi’s stomach and taste buds.

This may be why food is a turn-off, rather than a turn-on, for your corgi.

3. You may be feeding your corgi too many treats or snacks

It’s so easy to give your corgi one too many treats or table droppings. After all, their faces look so cute at the dinner table.

But getting too many treats can discourage them from eating their meals, as:

  • (a) they’re not hungry; and
  • (b) because dinner isn’t as tasty as treats.

It’s like feeding your kids ice-cream and then wondering why they’re not so keen on eating dinner.

To fix them problem, it’s simple: as hard as it is, pass on the treats.

4. You may not have a regular eating time for your corgi

Without routine: all is lost! It’s how we get things done at work and around the house – why should feeding be any different.

Your corgi needs to know when their meals are coming. If they don’t know, they may not be hungry at the times that you are feeding them.

Set times (once in the morning, once at night is best for an adult) to get them into a routine. This will help train them to eat.

A set schedule also helps you keep track of exactly how much your corgi is eating, rather than casually topping up a bowl that’s always left out.

5. Your corgi may not be exercising enough

Corgis are known for being a super active dog – despite their small stature!

Exercise helps your corgi process their food, and empties their tummy for the next feeding. If your dog is lazy or sluggish, they might not be burning off enough calories to warrant the amount of food you are feeding them.

Consider increasing the amount of activity your corgi is doing, perhaps a longer walk or some new toys, to ensure their food is digesting the way it needs to.

6. Your corgi may find it difficult to get their food

Corgis often have issues overeating if their food is always left out.

That’s because food that is easy to access is food that is easy to eat (this free-feeding does come with its own problems, though!).

So, consider: is your dog’s food easy for them to access? Are there:

  • Steps or surfaces that are hard to navigate
  • Difficult textures in the food to chew
  • Assumed predators or sources of conflict (like other dogs or animals)
  • Heights that are hard to reach (like if the bowl on a platform)

​Ensure that your corgi’s food is easy for them to get to. This may help with their eating routine.

7. Your corgi may be unwell

This is the worst situation, but unfortunately is one that we must address.

Health problems that may be influencing your corgi not to eat include:

  • Problems with their teeth or gums
  • Mouth cuts or bruising
  • Stomach pain

If your corgi has gone a day without eating or half a day without drinking, it could be time to phone the vet.

It is important to catch this one early, as the consequences could be serious, including sickness and death.

Final thoughts on why your corgi won’t eat

Meal time should be a good time for your corgi. Now you know some of the potential underlying causes that can cause them to not eat. 

Soon you’ll be well on your way to having them back to normal and eating again.

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