How Much Should a Corgi Weigh? Growth & Weight Chart For Your Dog

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Corgis are renowned for being small dogs – but how much do they actually weigh?

It’s important to know the healthy weight for your corgi dog because if they start to shift outside these numbers, either under or over, then it may be a sign that something could be wrong and needs further investigation.

So, how much should a corgi weigh?

A healthy, adult male Pembroke Welsh corgi should weigh under 30 pounds. A female Pembroke Welsh corgi is lighter at a weight of under 28 pounds. 

A male Cardigan Welsh corgi should weigh 30 to 38 pounds. A female Cardigan Welsh corgi should weigh 25 to 34 pounds.

If your corgi is within these weight ranges, it suggests they are in good health, and you are feeding them correctly.

If your dog is significantly heavier than their recommended weight range, it may be necessary to adjust their diet and increase their exercise. This could also be a sign of pregnancy in female dogs.

On the other hand, if your dog is significantly lighter than their recommended weight range, it could indicate an underlying health issue. It is important to consult a veterinarian if your dog is showing any unusual changes in behaviour or weight.

How much should a corgi weigh in kilograms?

A male Pembroke Welsh corgi should weigh less than 13.6 kilograms at maturity while females should weigh under 12.7 kilograms. Male adult Cardigan Welsh corgis should weigh between 13.6 and 17.2 kilograms and females between 11.4 and 15.4 kilograms.

If you are using the metric system to weigh your corgi, these are the numbers you should aim for in kilograms. If your corgi falls within these weight ranges, it likely means you are feeding them properly and they are in good health.

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and consistent vet check-ups are key to keep your corgi within these healthy weight ranges.

How much should a corgi weigh in pounds?

Male Pembroke Welsh corgis should weigh less than 30 pounds at maturity while females should weigh under 28 pounds. Male adult Cardigan Welsh corgis should weigh between 30 and 38 pounds and females between 25 and 34 pounds. 

If you are using the imperial system to weigh your corgi, these are the numbers you should aim for in pounds.

At these weights, corgis are on the smaller end of the dog breed spectrum, however they are known for their large intelligence and big personalities.

Some other similar-weighted breeds to corgis include Border Terriers, Basset Hounds and Welsh Terriers (all of which are small, energetic breeds).

How much should a corgi weigh at each age?

Corgis start from a born weight of roughly 300g before reaching a weight of around 13kg by the time they are two years old.

If you are looking at how much your corgi should weigh at different ages, say, how much should my corgi weigh at eight weeks, then you can consult this handy chart.

AgeWeight in Pounds (lb)Weight in Kilograms (kg)
1 month​4 – 7 lbs​1.8–3.2 kg
2​ months​9–12 lbs​4.1–5.4 kg
3​ months​9–14 lbs4.1–6.4 kg
4​ months​11–16 lbs5.0–7.3 kg
5​ months14–20 lbs6.4–9.1 kg
6​ months​17–23 lbs​7.7–10.4 kg
7​ months18–25 lbs​8.2–11.4 kg
8​ months​19–27 lbs​8.6–12.3 kg
9​ months​20–28 lbs​9.1–12.7 kg
10​ months​20–28 lbs​9.1–12.7 kg
11​ months​22–29 lbs​10.0–13.2 kg
12 months22–30 lbs10.0–13.6 kg
24 months​22–30 lbs10.0–13.6 kg

How do you weigh a corgi?

The only way to weigh a corgi is by using a scale specially designed for small pets, as it is more sensitive and will register numbers at lighter weights. Weighing a corgi on an adult human scale won’t work, as they likely won’t be heavy enough, or still enough, to record a reading.

The best way to accurately weigh a corgi is to use a pet scale specifically designed for small animals. Using a regular scale for humans will not provide accurate readings for a corgi, as they are too small and may not remain still enough to register a weight. 

If you’re like me, you’ve probably given the tried and true method of standing on human scales with your corgi and subtracting your own weight to get a reading.

While this works, it’s not as accurate as using a pet scale. You can pick up a scale on Amazon for fairly cheap.

It is important to monitor your corgi’s weight to ensure they are at a healthy weight. Being overweight or underweight can lead to a number of health issues in dogs, including joint problems, heart disease, and decreased lifespan.

It’s certainly worthwhile to have a set of scales in your house, as it will allow you to keep an eye on your corgi’s weight if you suspect they may be a little overweight or underweight.

Can you weigh a corgi on a human scale?

No, weighing a corgi on a human scale doesn’t produce accurate readings. 

This is because your corgi (which usually weights between 10-13 kg) is too light to register a reading on a human scale, commonly called a ‘bathroom scale’, which is designed to withstand weights up to 180kg.

It’s also very difficult to keep your corgi still for the time period needed to produce an accurate reading, which can be mitigated with a pet scale that is designed specifically for them.

How can you tell the weight of your corgi without a scale?

Three ways to check your corgi’s weight without using a scale include: feeling your dog’s ribs; looking for a tucked up abdomen; and observing your dog’s waistline. These three indicators will give you an idea about whether your dog is overweight or underweight.

Of course, your hands or naked eye will never be able to substitute using a proper pet scale – but, if you’re on a tight budget, these techniques are a way to check if your corgi is a healthy weight.

Let’s go through them in more detail below.

1. Feel your corgi’s ribs

Have your dog stand in front of you, place your thumbs together in the centre of your dog’s spine, and let your hands spread down over their ribcage.

A healthy corgi should have a slightly visible rib cage, but not be overly prominent. If you can easily see your corgi’s rib bones, they may be underweight and you should consult with a veterinarian. On the other hand, if their rib cage is difficult to feel or see, they may be overweight.

2. Check for a tucked abdomen

Viewing your dog from its side using your naked eye, you should be able to see your corgi’s abdomen tucked up in front of its hind legs.

If their abdomen is rounded and protrudes outward, they may be overweight. On the other hand, if their abdomen is sunken or concave, they may be underweight.

3. Look at your corgi’s waistline

One way to estimate the weight of your corgi without using a scale is to check their waistline from above. Standing directly above your corgi, healthy corgi should have a visible waist when viewed from above.

If their waistline sharply narrows behind their ribcage, it could indicate that they are underweight.

If their waistline is indiscernible, giving them a bulging, round appearance, they are likely to be overweight.

Are corgis heavier in the winter?

Corgis may look a little fluffier in the winter due to their thicker coats, but this extra fluff shouldn’t affect their weight on a scale too much. The main reason why your corgi may weigh a little more in the winter is probably because they’re eating more to keep warm. 

Just like us humans, corgis love comfort food when it’s cold outside. If you let them, they might eat more treats and snacks too. 

It’s important to keep an eye on your corgi’s weight and food intake during the winter and make any necessary changes to help them stay healthy. If you’re worried, talk to your veterinarian.

Why are corgis so small?

Corgis are naturally small thanks to their genetics.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed is believed to have originated from herding dogs brought to Wales by Flemish weavers.

Because these dogs were used for herding and guarding livestock, they needed to be sturdy and strong. However, they also needed to be short in order to avoid getting kicked by cattle.

Corgis, like other dogs with short legs, have a type of dwarfism called Chondrodysplasia. This was originally a genetic mutation, but it’s now a standard part of the corgi breed.

Final thoughts on how much corgis weigh

The healthy weight range for an adult male Pembroke Welsh Corgi is between 13 to 15kg depending on the breed and gender.

It’s best to use a specialised pet scale to weigh your corgi if you suspect they might be overweight or underweight.

It’s also important to seek professional veterinary assistance if you believe the weight gain or loss may be due to ill health.

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