What is a Fluffy Corgi?

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

Everything you need to know about this long haired dog breed.

Have you been cruising around the internet and suddenly stopped, because you’ve just seen the biggest ball of fluff shaped in the form of your favourite dog?!

No, you’re not going crazy. You’ve simply stumbled across one of life’s beautiful treats: the fluffy corgi!

You’ve seen the perfectly groomed corgis of Instagram fame. Now meet their wild sibling (not actually wild – perfectly domesticated!).

The fluffy corgi is simply a regular corgi with long-hair. They are however, much more uncommon that a short-haired corgis, so finding them from a breeder can be difficult.

I know when I started in the corgi community, I had a number of questions about this type of corgi. So let’s take a look at one and dive into the answers to those questions.

What is the difference between fluffy corgis and short-hair corgis?

The only real difference between a fluffy corgi and a regular corgi is the length and fluffiness of their hair.

It’s not a separate breed like the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is to the Cardigan Corgi. There is no special diet, or ear shape, or health problem specific to fluffies. 

That also means that you can have a fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a fluffy Cardigan Corgi. Or even a fluffy crossbreed. Now, as to which one you get – or whether you opt for a short-hair instead – that’s up to you.

What is a Fluffy Corgi? The corgi on the left is fluffy with long fur. The corgi on the right is a regular corgi with shorter hair.
A fluffy Pembroke Welsh corgi (left) and a regular Pembroke Welsh corgi.

The science behind fluffy corgis

The fluffiness of your corgi is determined by the FGF5 gene. This passes the recessive ‘fluffy’ trait from parent to puppy.

Yes, the fluffiness of your corgi is not just magic. It’s caused by the FGF5 gene – often called the “fluff gene”.

The fluff gene determines hair length. This is not only in corgis, but also in other dog breeds and even people.

​Importantly, the gene that affects fluffiness only influences that area of the body. That’s why you don’t see the differences in others traits like ears or shape.

Recessive genes are harder to pass down. But this gene was able to survive because it was useful for the original corgis who lived in harsher environments. You can still see the remnants of this in our modern fluffy corgi today.

This is where the science of fluffy corgis gets tricky. Let’s explain.

Parents pass down genes to their puppies. These can either be Dominant or Recessive. A puppy will get one gene from each parent. This means a puppy can have:

  1. Two Dominant Genes
  2. Two Recessive Genes
  3. One Dominant, One Recessive Gene

Fluffiness is the result of having two recessive genes. If a corgi has a dominant gene from either parent, it will not be fluffy.

Because of this, a corgi with one dominant, one recessive gene will be short-haired.

This means that, while less common, it is possible for two short-haired parents to have a fluffy corgi. So, the ways to get a fluffy include:

  1. Two fluffy corgis: These corgis only have recessive genes to pass on.
  2. Two short-hair corgis with one Dominant, one Recessive gene: If this pair pass on Recessive genes, the puppy will be fluffy.
  3. One short-hair (with one Dominant, one Recessive gene) and one fluffy corgi: If this pair both pass on Recessive genes, the puppy will be fluffy.

Phew! Got all that?

The main thing to remember is that a corgi needs both recessive genes to be a fluffy. With one or none – it will be a short-haired (aka normal) corgi.

Here’s the kicker! Unless you specifically test your short-haired parents, you can never be 100% sure your corgi carries the genes to pass on recessive traits. And you thought having normal puppies was hard!

Look at the fur on this fluffy corgi

Are fluffy corgis rare?

Yes. Because fluffy corgis are only the result of recessive genes passed down from the parents, it is very difficult to breed them.
The only combination that will ensure a fluffy is by having two fluffy parents, but even then, due to the chance of mutation, that’s not a guarantee.

Likewise, because it is a recessive gene, breeders are discouraged from intentionally breeding them.
Thanks to social media though, you’re more likely than ever to see fluffy corgis, even if it is on a screen and not in real-life.

How can I tell if my corgi puppy is a fluffy corgi?

It usually takes up to two months to know if your corgi is fluffy. You will be able to tell by the fur.

If you’ve picked up your corgi from the breeder, you may still be wondering: “How the heck do I know if this little puppy is going to be fluffy?”

Here’s a few signs that may mean you’re on the chugging down the trainline to fluffytown!

  • For puppies under a month: Keep an eye out for light feathering and longer hairs, particularly on the legs and chest
  • For puppies between one and two months: You should start to see feathering on the chest, ears and legs and longer hairs on the body.
  • For puppies over two months old: You should know whether your corgi is a fluffy – as the fluffiness of the fur should be noticeable. This is particularly if you compare them to their siblings, or other puppies around that age.

​For the best answer, check in with your vet. They’ve got a lot of experience with seeing young puppies for comparison – and you may even be able to get a genetic test (though it is certainly cheaper just to wait and see!)

A lazy corgi sleeps in the grass

Does the American Kennel Club (AKC) approve of fluffy corgis?

No. Fluffiness is regarded as a flaw in the corgi breed according to the American Kennel Club.

Advice from the American Kennel Club states:

  • For Pembroke Welsh Corgis, the fluffy mutation is called a “very serious fault.”
  • For Cardigan Welsh Corgi, the advice is that owners should “not be so exaggerated as to appear fluffy.”

​This is because the American Kennel Club has very strict rules about the ‘correct’ way to breed corgis. This is typically to ensure the health and longevity of the breed.

Are there any health issues for fluffy corgis?

No. There are no specific issues for fluffy corgis that do not apply to other corgis.

This means there are not any specific health issues caused by the recessive gene or excessive fluffiness.

That’s because the corgi is no longer a working dog – and doesn’t have anything to worry about with a long coat and overheating.

That means when it comes to health, you can treat them the same as their short-haired buddies. 

Do fluffy corgis shed more?

No. Fluffy corgis do not shed more than short-haired corgis. However, grooming is very important.

Fluffy corgis still shed in the same way as short-haired corgis. So you need to brush them regularly each week to avoid excess build up of fur and hair on the body, face and limbs.

Because of the longer hair, fluffy corgis can have issues with holding dirt, grime and water. They can similarly have issues with clumping, knotting and matting in their fur.

Are fluffy corgis hypoallergenic?

No. Fluffy corgis, like all corgi breeds, are not hypoallergenic.

Both short-haired and long-haired (fluffy) corgis contain the same follicles and excretion proteins that cause human’s to be allergic. You can reduce these (but not eliminate them completely) with good grooming habits.

Read more about corgis and allergies.

​How to groom a fluffy corgi

Grooming is very important for fluffy corgis due to the length of hair. Regular grooming helps keep your fluffy corgi healthy, especially in hot weather.

You may have noticed the trend so far that you can treat fluffy corgis the same as regular corgis. Grooming is where that changes!

The fluffy has a different coat to the standard short-hair, and requires different grooming habits and techniques.

Every week during shedding months, and monthly during non-shedding months, you should brush their coat using a heavy-duty dog brush. You should also be looking at a weekly grooming using a fine-tooth comb to catch loose hairs.

You need to wash a fluffy corgi once every 1–2 months. In between washes, you can wipe them down with a damp cloth. This prevents excess washing which can remove the natural chemicals and oils in your corgi’s fur.

As a bonus tip, keep plenty of treats around for grooming. Corgis don’t always love getting groomed, and a few treats will help them stay calm and enjoy the process more.

Can I shave my fluffy corgi?

No. Do not try to shave your fluffy corgi as it is not good for their health.

This is true for fluffy corgi adults and fluffy corgi puppies. It’s not good for their coat or their health – as their fur helps regulate their temperature.

If long fur isn’t your things (which is fine!), you should opt for a short-haired corgi instead. That way not only do you get a corgi, but you save on grooming costs as well.

​Do fluffy corgis stay soft?

Yes. The long hair of a fluffy corgi does not bristle over time.

The coat of a fluffy corgi feels soft to the touch with a plushness reminiscent of a cloud. The fur is abundant and dense, forming a protective layer that keeps the corgi cosy during colder climates.

Typically, the topcoat boasts a medium to long length, showcasing a luxurious texture that invites you to run your fingers through it. This top layer displays an array of colours, ranging from the classic tan, black, and white combinations to more unique shades like red, sable, or brindle.

Beneath the topcoat lies a dense undercoat, providing more insulation and contributing to the overall fluffiness of the corgi. This underlayer is soft and downy, offering an extra layer of protection against the elements.

As long as you take good care of your corgi’s coat, it will continue to stay soft and fluffy as they age.

Do Corgis Fart? Yes. This corgi puppy might be ready to do one now.

How do I buy a fluffy corgi? ​

While short-haired corgis are by far the more common, there are many breeders who will still happily sell their fluffy corgis when they are available.

​You can find fluffy corgis from reputable corgi breeders. ​You may need to visit a number of them, or at least have a few phone conversations, to find out if they are able to get you a fluffy corgi or if they know a breeder who can.

For more information, I recommend these resources:

  • How to Buy a Corgi: My comprehensive guide to buying a corgi – with steps that easily transfer for both short and long hair corgis.

These are a great place to start your corgi buying journey.

​How much does a fluffy corgi cost?

The cost of a fluffy corgi can vary, but on average, it ranges from $2000 to $3,000.

A fluffy corgi and a regular short-hair corgi should be priced similarly. A responsible breeder won’t try to sell the fluffy ones as rare or special, even though they’re not as common.

But keep in mind that prices can differ a lot. It’s important to look into trustworthy breeders and also think about adopting a corgi.

This corgi puppy outside in the grass needs to calm down and relax. It is very energetic and running around.

Final thoughts on fluffy corgis

Fluffy corgis are adorable, playful and loyal dogs.

Having one isn’t just about the happiness they bring, but it comes with responsibilities too. They need exercise, mental stimulation, and a caring home to be happy.

The fluffiness factor may be caused by recessive traits passed down from the parents – but our love for the long haired corgi will never diminish.

These loving companions leave a lasting impact on the hearts of those lucky enough to have them in their lives.

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