How Long Do Corgis Live?

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Written By Dane Michael

I am a passionate dog owner for 10+ years. MyFavCorgi is a community of 500,000+ corgi fans with advice to buy, raise and care for your corgi.

One of the hardest things to face when it comes to pet ownership is that our furry friend isn’t going to live forever.

Yes, while according to World Data, the average human is pushing 80 years, the average dog is only a fraction of that. And it can be especially hard when you’ve had them from a puppy.

In fact: the average corgi only has a lifespan of around 12 years. This is influenced by a number of factors including type, health, sex, and size.

What is the average lifespan for a corgi?

If properly cared for, you can expect your corgi to live roughly 12 to 15 years.

There is no real way to tell exactly how long your corgi is going to live. But in general, if you take care of them, and give them a good home, you’re likely to spend over a decade of your life with them.

When families get pets, they typically get them when the child is old enough to understand some of the responsibility of pet owner. This means most families will get their corgi when their child is around 6–10 years old.

That means that corgis will typically last throughout their entire schooling, right up until they leave for college or university, or into the workforce.

The corgi does quite well on the lifespan front, compared to other dogs. The average lifespan of a dog is between 10 and 13 years. This means you get an extra three years when you have a corgi over the average dog.

Corgis are still active even in their older age.

Why do some corgis live longer than others?

There are a number of reasons some corgis live longer than others including breed, size, sex, and breeding history.

Yes, just like any other breed, the lifespan of a corgi can vary greatly depending on lots of different factors.

​Understanding these factors is essential in ensuring that corgis live a long and healthy life. Let’s dive into the general differences now.

1. Breed of your corgi can influence how long they live

There is a minor difference in lifespan depending on the breed, with Pembroke Welsh corgis living on average one month longer than Cardigan Welsh corgis.

There are two main types of corgis: Pembroke Welsh corgi and the Cardigan Welsh corgi. The Pembroke is the more popular of the two.

Pembrokes were expected to live 12 years 3 months, while cardigans averaged 12 years 2 months.
This result is based on a nationwide 2014 survey by the Kennel Club of UK pedigree dog. These represented 43,207 living dogs and 5,684 deceased dogs (across all breeds).

It is important to note that this is just one organisation’s survey, and that even though there is a large sample size, the results are still yet to be confirmed by outside sources.

The preliminary evidence does show a difference between the two breeds. However, given that the difference is so slight, it is unlikely to be a deciding factor when it comes to choosing whether you will get a Pembroke or Cardigan Welsh corgi.

2. Size of your corgi can influence how long they live

It’s a general rule that dogs trade off lifespan for size i.e. the bigger the dog, the shorter their life expectancy.

According to a 2013 published study, large dogs die young mainly because they age quickly. Because of their size, the body is put under more physical stress. This causes it to experience the affects that come with ageing more rapidly.

It’s eerily reminiscent of the story of Robert Wadlow, the world’s tallest man, who passed away at age 22. This was from an infection which occurred from a brace he only wore due to his height.

However, corgis are smaller dogs. Especially when compared to giants like St. Bernards and Malamutes. For this reason, you can expect your corgi to age more slowly than these bigger dogs.

This smaller size makes them, on average, more likely to live longer.

3. Sex of your corgi can influence how long they live

The sex of your corgi can impact how long it lives due to sex-specific illness and traumas.

Female corgis have the associated risks of pregnancy. The more pregnancies a corgi has, the more her health is impacted. This is because pregnancy and giving birth strains the body and the increases the risk of complications.

Pregnant corgis are most at risk of problems during their labour and immediately after giving birth. If it is not a smooth birth, the puppy can become stuck in the birth canal and this can injury your mother corgi.

Female corgis also have the risk of mammary and ovarian cancer. This form of cancer can quickly cause your corgi’s health to go downhill and can lead to death, particularly if not caught early.

Male corgis also have associated health issues. Testicular and prostate cancer can affect male corgis, and are very dangerous. It’s important that you corgi gets regular check-ups from their vet to stay healthy.

Males can also be more protective and territorial. This can make them more likely to get injured in fights with other animals and sustain injuries from these encounters.

4. Breeding history of your corgi can influence how long they live

The parents of your corgi can have a big effect on their length of their lifespan, as healthy genes make for a longer life.

The better health the parent corgis are in, the more likely they are to pass those good genes onto their puppies. The better the genes, the higher the chance of survival.

Additionally, if your parent corgi is in good health, they are less likely to pass on potential genetic conditions and health issues that can be common in corgis. A reputable breeder is important to ensure that your corgi comes from a good lineage.

This will save you money down the line when having to deal with health problems that affect their lifespan.

Every corgi is unique and will be affected by old age differently.

How ​to help your corgi live longer?

There are a number of things you can do to help your corgi live longer, such as exercising them regularly and giving them a good diet.

It’s important to note that the factors listed in the section above are pre-determined factors – that is, factors that you as an owner do not have any control over.

I’ve written a list of factors you do have control over which affect the length of your corgi’s life. You can find that article here on tips to help your corgi live longer.

How to tell how old your corgi is?

You can tell your corgi’s age through a few methods including their size, ability to breed, and their teeth.

If you picked up your puppy as a newborn, it’s very easy to know how old they are. But what if you adopted them as an older dog?

First, look at how big they are. If they are still growing, it means your corgi is under three years old. At around three, your corgi stops growing – at least in height.

You can expect them to be roughly 36cm tall, 60cm long, and around 12kg. If they’re much smaller than this, you can be almost assured that they’ve got some growing to do, and are therefore, under three years old.

Second to check is are the ready to breed? If you have a male corgi that’s under two years old, or a female corgi under 18 months, they will not have the signs of being able to breed. This includes mounting behaviour (in males) and a swollen vulva (in females).

Third, go for the details and facial features of your corgi. If your corgi doesn’t have all their teeth, it’s likely to be under 6 months old. If they do, look at the level of tartar on them. If the teeth contain little tartar, it is most commonly a young corgi (only a few years old). If there is a lot, you’ve likely got an older corgi on your hands.

Finally, much like in humans, you can also expect to see greying hair and cloudy eyes as well as more fat and less muscle in older dogs. All these can be checked with your vet, who can also give you more information about how old your corgi is likely to be.

The younger a corgi is, the harder it is for you to tell how old they are.

Final thoughts on how old corgis live.

Even though you won’t have them around forever, your corgi will be a faithful companion, and can be by your side for 12 to 15 years.

Some key factors that affect the life of your corgi are pre-ordained, and include the breed, the sex, the genetic history, and the size of your corgi.

By making healthy choices, and supporting them along the way, you can extend the time you have with your corgi and make it wonderful experience for your both. Such is the joy of pet and in particular, corgi, ownership.

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